Summer continues

The fun continues even when the summer ends. For five weekends, Friday to Sunday, we are open. Dates 22/8-24/8, 29/8-31/9, 5/9-7/9, 12-14/9 och 19/9-21/9.

This is where the fairy tale becomes reality

It is around the park that the big moments occur; When the children get to meet, play and play with their favorite characters for real. During the late summer weekends you can meet Pippi, Emil, Mio my mio and Rasmus on the tramp and their friends and families.

Theatre programme

Every day during the late summer weekends we play about 20 performances in the park. In Katthult, Emil makes a mischief to his father Anton’s annoyance, in Villa Villekulla, Kling and Klang try to get hold of Pippi Longstocking, and where Rasmus on the tramp is, scenes from the books are performed.

Here you can play and play

If there was one thing Astrid Lindgren loved, it was play and imagination. At Astrid Lindgren’s World, there is plenty of space for free play, such as Noisy Village and the Play Barn in Katthult, the don’t-touch-the-ground course, the Mill, Mattis Forest and Little Troublemaker Street. And can you imagine more fun places to play than Pippi Longstocking’s Villa Villekulla or the deep passages under Mattis Castle? Outside of the scheduled performances, you are free to play in all our settings.

Tickets and prices