When autumn comes to Astrid Lindgren’s World

Autumn holidays: 18-20 October, and 26 October – 3 November, 10.00-18.00.

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During the autumn holidays, Astrid Lindgren’s World is a completely different experience than in the summer. The trees in the park are on a yellow-red scale and the sun sinks behind the treetops already in the afternoon. When it gets dark, fire baskets and lanterns are lit and the fresh, clear air mixes with the aroma of lit barbecues and freshly roasted almonds. The pace is calm, but for playful children there is a lot of fun to do and discover. Anyone who wants to can meet Emil in Lönneberga, Pippi Longstocking, Ronja the Robber’s Daughter, Mardie and Rasmus and the Vagabond and their friends and families.


Every day during the Autumn Break Open, we play about 20 performances in the park. In Katthult, Emil makes mischief to his father Anton’s annoyance, in Villa Villekulla, Kling and Klang try to get hold of Pippi Longstocking, and in Matt’s Castle, Ronja and Birk jump over Hell’s Gap. Also in Junibacken and where Rasmus on the tramp is, scenes from the books are performed.

Autum market

Also this year, we are arranging a traditional autumn market here in Astrid Lindgren’s World. The market is open on all days we are open during the autumn holidays and the program is just as exciting as in previous years. About 60 craftsmen and exhibitors are on site with a large selection of handicrafts, traditional crafts and tasty delicacies, there is a market hall with a large selection of food products and of course also the opportunity to eat and drink something good and warming.