Good to know
Arrival and departure
Houses and cottages: Check-in at 15:30. Check-out at 11:00 (10:00 for those who have booked final cleaning).
Pitches: Check-in at 11:00. Check-out at 10:45. Automatic check-in and check-out via text.
Those who wish to check-in after 20:00 between May and August, or after 19:00 between September and November, must provide notice in advance. bokning@astridlindgrensvarld.se or0492-564770. You can also call us during the day on +46 (0)492-798 00.
Please note that we may have to move guests in the case of unforeseen circumstances, and therefore we can never guarantee a specifically requested cottage.
Please notify the reception staff of your departure and leave your key with them. For uncleaned cottages, 2,000 SEK will be charged retrospectively. Cleaning is included for those who have booked final cleaning, but you must wash any dishes and remove your rubbish yourself. If dishes are left unwashed at the time of final cleaning, SEK 300 will be charged retrospectively.
During the period you are checked in, you can park free in the designated car park for the guest accommodation. The rest of the time you can park free in our main car park. Parking tickers are included in your booking. If you are travelling with more than one car, these can also be parked free. Please show your accommodation booking to our car park attendants/cashier/reception to get a physical ticket to put in the front window of each car or print out the parking tickets that are sent with your booking.
Opening times
Summer opening
17/5 15:00–21:00
18/5–17/8 08:00–21:00
18/8 08:00–11:00
Late summer opening (22/8-22/9)
Thursday 15:00–19:00
Friday 08:00–19:00
Saturday 08:00–19:00
Sunday 08:00–11:00
Autumn holiday opening
18/10 15:00–20:00
19-20/10 08:00–20:00
21/10 08:00–11:00
25/10 15:00–20:00
26/10–2/11 08:00–20:00
3/11 08:00–11:00
Fire alarms The fire alarms in The Tiny Town are connected directly to SOS and cannot/must not be deactivated. Other accommodation options have battery-operated alarms.
There is a defibrillator located on the information building to the right of the reception building.
There is a wireless Internet network available on site.
Network: ALV_guest
Password: Pippisnilsson
Smoking is not permitted in any accommodation buildings or common areas. Feel free to use our smoking area by the unloading zone next to the car park.
Waste sorting at source
We believe it should go without saying that we and our guests sort our waste at source as much as we can. That is why we have three waste sorting stations on site where you can sort metal, plastic, glass, returns with deposits, ash and dust and combustibles.
Laundry facilities
The service building by the area with pitches has several washing machines and tumble dryers that can be used free of charge. Contact reception to book a time and receive a door code.
No car traffic is allowed in the area.
No more than the maximum number of people stated in the description for each accommodation are permitted to stay there as guests. Children are included, and defined as anyone aged 3-14 years. For security reasons, only the number of guests booked for the accommodation can stay overnight.
The guest accommodation at Astrid Lindgren’s World is family friendly. Between 22:00 and 07:00, all guests must show the utmost consideration towards other guests and refrain from making noise.
Pets are allowed in designated accommodation only. All animals must remain on a lead on site. We cannot guarantee completely pet-free/allergy-sanitised accommodation.
Smoking is strictly prohibited in all premises. Violations that result in us needing to undertake extra cleaning will be fined at SEK 5,000-10,000.