The night Ronja is born

The night Ronja is born, there is thunder over the mountains. It’s a storm, the likes of which no one has seen before. Sure enough, lightning strikes the ancient Mattis Castle, cracking it in half – with Hell’s Mouth in between. Mattis howls like a wild animal – how can something like that happen to his fathers’ old castle? Nevertheless, life in Mattis Castle goes on just as before, with the only difference being that there is now a child. A child who gradually makes Mattis and all his robbers a little silly, Lovis thinks. Time passes, and one day Ronja is grown enough that Mattis realises the time has come. Ronja must go out and discover the world outside the safe walls of Mattis Castle. But first Mattis tells her a thing or two about the dangers of the forest, not least about the insidious gray dwarves who lurk in the darkness...
NOTE! The show contains loud bangs that may be scary for young children and dogs.