Offers and packages

Below we have gathered our packages and offers that include an overnight stay in our accommodation. We have put together a number of different options, allowing you to discover more of Astrid Lindgren’s World at a pace that suits you.

Weekday Package – 1 Day

Discover Astrid Lindgren’s World for a day and stay overnight in our guest accommodation, located right next to the park. Did you know that overnight stays are available at a lower price from Monday to Thursday during weeks 20–26? Choose the number of nights and optional extras via our online booking, or select one of the packages we have put together for selected weekdays.

What’s included?

  • 1 night in Astrid Lindgren’s World guest accommodation
  • Breakfast buffet
  • 1-day entry to Astrid Lindgren’s World

Weekday Package – 2 Days

Discover Astrid Lindgren’s World for two days and stay overnight in our guest accommodation, located right next to the park. Did you know that overnight stays are available at a lower price from Monday to Thursday during weeks 20–26? Choose the number of nights and optional extras via our online booking, or select one of the packages we have put together for selected weekdays.

What’s included?

  • 2-day entry to Astrid Lindgren’s World
  • One night in Astrid Lindgren’s World guest accommodation
  • Breakfast buffet

Astrid Lindgren’s World and Astrid Lindgren’s Näs

Discover Astrid Lindgren’s World for a day and stay overnight in our guest accommodation, located right next to the park. On the second day, visit **Astrid Lindgren’s Näs**, where you can explore the exhibition about Astrid Lindgren’s life and work, join a guided tour of her childhood home, and take a stroll through our themed gardens, which are in full bloom all summer long.

What’s included?

  • 1 night in Astrid Lindgren’s World guest accommodation
  • Breakfast buffet
  • 1-day entry to Astrid Lindgren’s World
  • 1-day entry to Astrid Lindgren’s Näs (children 0–14 years free)

Sunday Offer – 1 Night

Discover Astrid Lindgren’s World for two days and stay overnight in our guest accommodation, located right next to the park. Get a 40% discount on your stay from Sunday to Monday during selected weekend endings.

What’s included?

  • 2-day entry to Astrid Lindgren’s World at regular price.
  • One night in Astrid Lindgren’s World guest accommodation from Sunday to Monday, with a 40% discount.

Sunday Offer – 2 Nights

Discover Astrid Lindgren’s World for two days and stay for two nights in our guest accommodation, located right next to the park. Get a 40% discount on the first night during selected weekend stays.

What’s included?

  • 2-day entry to Astrid Lindgren’s World at regular price.
  • Two nights in Astrid Lindgren’s World guest accommodation from Sunday to Tuesday, with a 40% discount on the first night.

3 nights for the price of 2

Discover Astrid Lindgren’s World and Astrid Lindgren’s Näs while staying overnight in our guest accommodation, located right next to the park. Enjoy some extra time in the charming surroundings of our unique guest accommodation – the last night is on us!

What’s included?

  • Three nights in Astrid Lindgren’s World guest accommodation for the price of two.
  • 2-day entry to Astrid Lindgren’s World.
  • 1-day entry to Astrid Lindgren’s Näs (children 0–14 years free).

Accommodation Package Oxgården 1 Night

Discover Astrid Lindgren’s World for one day and stay for one night at our guest accommodation, Oxgården, conveniently located within walking distance (700 meters) from Astrid Lindgren’s World. Oxgården offers several accommodation options for groups of 4–12 people.

What’s included?

  • 1 night in an apartment at Oxgården
  • 1-day entry to Astrid Lindgren’s World
  • Breakfast at Restaurant Villa Linnéa by Astrid Lindgren’s World

Accommodation Package Oxgården 2 Nights

Discover Astrid Lindgren’s World for two days and stay for two nights at our guest accommodation, Oxgården, conveniently located within walking distance (700 meters) from Astrid Lindgren’s World. Oxgården offers several accommodation options for groups of 4–12 people.

What’s included?

  • 2 nights in an apartment at Oxgården
  • 2-day ticket to Astrid Lindgren’s World
  • Breakfast at Restaurant Villa Linnéa by Astrid Lindgren’s World

Late Summer Weekends

Check out our offers for the late summer weekends

Autumn Break Offer

Check out our offers for the Autumn Break opening