Here, adventure awaits
For a child, it’s a great experience to be at the centre of the action, with their favourite characters close enough to reach out and touch them. That’s exactly what it’s like here at Astrid Lindgren’s World. Between performances, you can meet Pippi, Emil and the others in their home settings. For children, meeting Astrid Lindgren’s characters is the greatest adventure of all and what makes a visit truly memorable.
Be part of the story and adventure
Throughout the day, this living theatre is taking place all over the park and anyone can jump in and be a part of it. For example, if you want to enter Wild Rose Valley, expect to be stopped by Tengil’s men at the gate. If you know the password, no problem. Otherwise, Jonathan Lionheart will probably come and whisper it in your ear.
To all the characters

Step right into the stories
Träffa Pippi Långstrump, Emil i Lönneberga och Ronja Rövardotter. Besök Körsbärs- och Törnrosdalen, Junibacken eller Bullerbyn. Här i Vimmerby i Småland kliver du rakt in i Astrid Lindgrens Värld, en värld där barnen alltid står i centrum.
Discover the park